Tanvi Wamorkar


Hello! I am an experimental particle physicist and a postdoctoral research associate at Argonne National Laboratory. My research is focused on the ATLAS experiment at CERN and I am primarily interested in searching for physics beyond the Standard Model.

I’m especially interested in characterizing the known phenomena of the SM and hunting for contributions of new physics in rare SM processes, such as the tri-boson WWW. I am also interested in silicon-based detector R&D and am currently working on the ATLAS experiment’s Inner Tracker upgrade for the High Luminosity LHC by assembling and testing silicon modules.

Prior to my current position, I obtained my Ph.D. in Physics with Prof. Toyoko Orimoto at Northeastern University’s CMS group. I developed and led a new CMS search that searched for the exotic decay of the Higgs boson into light pseudoscalars with four photons in the final state. I also spent my time as a PhD student on the operations of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter and on the timing upgrade of CMS.

Besides actively doing research on ATLAS, I am currently spending some time on learning ML techniques for physics and software tools to make my analyses efforts faster.

I am always happy to interact and collaborate on potential projects, ideas, and analyses. Feel free to shoot me an email if you want to get in touch!


Sep 23, 2023 Presented the scope & status of Pixel Upgrade Project in the US at the Pixel workshop at SLAC.
Sep 23, 2023 Presented a talk at QCD@LHC2023
Jun 7, 2023 Selected as analysis contact for the measurement of the WWW process using run 3 data being collected by ATLAS
Apr 17, 2023 Presented a talk at APS April 2023
Jan 19, 2023 Completed ATLAS authorship qualification tasks!